"[LATEST UPDATES] DONATIONS> You can now make Contactless/Bank Card Donations in the masjid."

"The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and do not fear except Allah, for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided."
Surah Tauba [9:18]



Please find below a quick summary of the courses.

Course 1:  Foundation Diploma in Islamic Studies (Ref: FDIS/310824)

Course 2: Intermediate Diploma in Islamic Studies (Ref: IDIS/310824)

Course 3 : Learn to read the Holy Quran – for Male adults (Beginners only) Saturday 1:45pm – 2:45pm (Ref: LRHQ/MH1)


Course Details:


Course 1: Foundation Diploma in Islamic Studies (Ref: FDIS/310824)

Required age: For 17+ males and females

Places: Only 14 Male & 14 Female places available (admission on first come first served basis)

Start date: 31/08/2024

Completion date: 26/07/2025

Class times: Every Saturday: 2:30pm – 4:30pm

Course material: Provided

Course language: English

Fee: Please refer to fee document when completing the online admission form.

Course 1  Description:
The Foundation Diploma in Islamic Studies offers a flexible 1-year program tailored for working professionals, students, and busy parents. It focuses on essential Islamic sciences, providing a solid understanding of faith and legal rulings.

Topics Covered:
The program covers a range of topics including Aqidah, Hadith, Fiqh with subtopics like Purification, Salah, Fasting, Zakat, Hajj, Qurbani, Ritually Slaughtered Animal, and Hunting (Sayd). It is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of these aspects to be able to live our life’s according to Qur’an and Sunnah.

Assessment and Certification:
An optional end-of-course exam is available for those interested, leading to a Certificate of Achievement with a pass mark of 70%. Additionally, a Certificate of Attendance is given to learners with 95%+ attendance.

Male students will receive guidance from Molana Usman Gulzar, while female students will be taught by Ustada Misbah. This arrangement ensures specialised guidance for both groups.

Term dates:
Term 1 – Saturday 31/08/24 – Saturday 02/11/24 (10 weeks)

Term 2 – Saturday 09/11/2024 – Saturday 18/01/2024 (10 weeks)

1-week break in between term 2 for winter holiday (23 December to 29 December)

Term 3 – Saturday 25/01/25 – Saturday 03/05/25 (10 weeks)
4-5 weeks break for Ramadan and Eid Ul Fitr during term-3 (dates to be confirmed)

Term 4 – Saturday 10/05/25 – Saturday 26/07/2025
1-week break during term-4 for Eid ul Adha (dates to be confirmed)


Course 2: Intermediate Diploma in Islamic Studies (Ref: IDIS/310824)

Required age: For 17+ males and females

Places: Only 5 Male & 6 Female places available (admission on first come first served basis)

Start date: 31/08/2024

Completion date: 26/07/2025

Class times: Every Saturday: 12:15pm – 2:15pm

Course material: Provided

Course language: English

Fee: Please refer to fee document when completing the online admission form.

Course 2 Description:
Suitable for those who’ve either completed foundation course in Islamic studies or have good knowledge of essential Islamic sciences and understanding of faith and basic legal rulings. This course will enhance existing knowledge, focusing on the exegesis of the Quran (Tafseer), the biography of the Prophet (Seerah), Hadith studies and Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh).

Students will delve into the deeper meanings of Quranic verses, explore the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), critically analyse Hadith literature and study advanced Iaws. This course aims to enhance students’ comprehension and application of Islamic sciences, preparing them for advanced studies.

Topics Covered:

  • Tafseer
  • Sirah
  • Hadith
  • Usul Hadith
  • Fiqh of inheritance

Assessment and Certification:
An optional end-of-course exam is available for those interested, leading to a Certificate of Achievement with a pass mark of 70%. Additionally, a Certificate of Attendance is given to learners with 95%+ attendance.

Male students will receive guidance from Molana Usman Gulzar, while female students will be taught by Ustada Misbah. This arrangement ensures specialised guidance for both groups.

Term dates:
Term 1 – Saturday 31/08/24 – Saturday 02/11/24 (10 weeks)

Term 2 – Saturday 09/11/2024 – Saturday 18/01/2024 (10 weeks)

1-week break in between term 2 for winter holiday (23 December to 29 December)

Term 3 – Saturday 25/01/25 – Saturday 03/05/25 (10 weeks)
4-5 weeks break for Ramadan and Eid Ul Fitr during term-3 (dates to be confirmed)

Term 4 – Saturday 10/05/25 – Saturday 26/07/2025
1-week break during term-4 for Eid ul Adha (dates to be confirmed)


Course 3 : Learn to read the Holy Quran – for Male adults (Beginners only) Saturday 1:45pm – 2:45pm (Ref: LRHQ/MH1)

Course 3  Description:

This course is aimed at 18+ beginners who’ve either not had the chance to learn to read the Holy Quran in Arabic or wish to strengthen their reading abilities or correct their mistakes. Our current students age range from 18 to 70+ so please don’t be shy to come forward and enrol yourself, its never too late. All we need from you is to spare 01 hour every Saturday and willingness to learn, we’ll do the rest. The course is free, and we’ll even provide you with free Qaida so you don’t need to purchase anything.

You’ll be taught in a very friendly and relaxed environment.

Required age: 18+ (Males Only)

Course length:  No fixed length, join when you want and continue until you’re able to confidently read the Holy Quran.

Course language: Urdu/Mirpuri.

Course starts:  Join on any Saturday after Zuhr (at 1:45pm in class G2 on ground floor)

Course times:  1:45pm – 2:45pm (Every Saturday)

Class location: Madni Jamia Masjid -Classroom G2 (in Ground floor prayer hall)

How to join?: Apply online or just turn up during above class times and see the teacher

Fee: Free course (plus free Qaida)

Delivered by: Hafeez ur Rehman