"[LATEST UPDATES] DONATIONS> You can now make Contactless/Bank Card Donations in the masjid."

"The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and do not fear except Allah, for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided."
Surah Tauba [9:18]


IT Help Required

Are you an IT professional and would like to support your local community?

Having a strong and stable IT platform is an essential requirement for any organisation to be able to operate efficiently.  As the Masjid/Association grows we URGENTLY need volunteers to help deliver the much needs services in the most cost effective manner.

As a registered Charity with limited funds we would like to form a special group of volunteers made up of local IT experts that can work collaboratively to help upgrade and support our IT infrastructure.

If you have skills in the following areas;

  • Network Infrastructure and Architecture
  • Windows Servers/Desktop configuration and support.
  • Email/Exchange Server configuration
  • AD configuration
  • Backup and Support

.. are local and would like to volunteer then please Contact Us by submitting your details via this link, email or phoning us.

Being involved will bring you many more benefits than you can imagine.

So please don’t delay and act now.