1. General Information:
a) The Trustees & Management Committee of Islamic Cultural & Educational Association (ICEA) warmly welcome and congratulate perspective couples declaring their intention to marry in accordance with Islamic Law (Nikah).
b) Please note a Nikah ceremony is not recognised as a valid marriage under English law. Please arrange a separate civil ceremony with your local Register Office to fulfil legal requirements.
c) Or you may book a dual ceremony which incorporates a Nikah and Civil Ceremony at Madni Jamia Masjid. Please ask the Administrator for further information regarding this process.
2)Administration & Booking of Nikah:
a) Allow 6 weeks clear notice prior to making a Nikah booking.
b) Download the ‘Nikah Appointment Booking Form’ from the ICEA website (http://www.icea.org.uk).
c) OR Collect the ‘Nikah Appointment Booking Form’ available from Reception or the Main Administration Office.
d) Complete the ‘Nikah Appointment Booking Form.’
e) Make an appointment with the Association’s Administrator on Bradford 01274 667986 and present the completed ‘Nikah Appointment Booking Form.’
f) Present original documents listed on the ‘Nikah Appointment Booking Form’ with clear photocopies to the Administrator.
g) Book a venue in the Masjid with the Administrator. Or inform the Administrator regarding details of another venue where the Nikah will be performed. Please ensure distance is reasonable for the Imam to travel.
h) Please note that the masjid strictly follows a ‘NO food or refreshment Policy’ for Nikah Ceremonies conducted inside the masjid building.
i) Please note the details of fees that are set out in the Nikah Appointment Booking Form. All fees are payable on the date of the Nikah to ICEA’s Management Committee Representative and Imam.
3)Essential Criteria for Booking Nikah:
a) A Nikah may only be performed for individuals who are:
i. Legally free to marry according to Islamic law and the law of the land.
Marriages of visitors to the UK on work permit, student visa, visiting visa, asylum seekers and those with extended leave will be subject to further document checks. It is up to the individual to produce documents from the appropriate authority that can verify that they are legally entitled to be married in the United Kingdom.
ii. Where the necessary consent of parents / guardians has been obtained in conformity with the law of the land and Islamic sensibilities and culture.
iii. Both parties are willing participants of the marriage and there is no coercion.
iv. Both parties to the Nikah are of sound health and mind.
v. The Nikah is not a marriage based on any financial contractual arrangement or any other material benefit.
vi. One of the parties must be able to show that they are residents of the Metropolitan District of Bradford.
4)Authority to Conduct Nikah:
a) The Nikah ceremony shall only be solemnised by a Madni Jamia Masjid Imam who is authorised to conduct the services whilst adhering to the policies and procedures of ICEA.
b) All Imams must have read (had translated verbally where necessary) and understood this document and accepted conforming to it before conducting any Nikah booking through ICEA.
c) Couples and /or respective members of their families are encouraged to meet with the Imam at a mutually agreed time, prior to the Nikah ceremony. The purpose of this meeting is for a general discussion with the Imam which may include details of the Islamic obligations pertinent to marriage and the couple’s personal circumstances. All such discussions carried out will remain strictly confidential.
5)Icea Representation at a Nikah Ceremony:
a) A member of the Management Committee appointed by ICEA will preferably. accompany the Imam to the ceremony.
6)Goodwill Gifts To Imam Or to the Association:
a) The Imam shall keep any money given to him as a gesture of goodwill at this time of happiness by the parties to the marriage.
b) However the Imam shall not make any demands for any payment.
c) The Management Committee representative will collect all ‘compulsory fees’ and ‘goodwill donations’ given and donated to ICEA.
d) He will provide a receipt for fees and donations taken.
7)Issuing of Marriage Certificates:
a) Marriage Certificates can be given out on the day of the Nikah if payment for the Marriage certificate has been received and the official stamp has been stamped on all three copies by the appointed Management Committee representative of ICEA.
b) Three certificates must be handwritten separately. No carbon copies must be used.
c) Thereafter the Marriage certificate can be collected at a later date soon after the Nikah by the bride, bridegroom or a person expressly authorised by them. Photo IDs will be seen prior to the handing over of certificates.
d) Issuing of duplicate certificates will need to be requested in writing by the bride or groom or their legal representative stating in writing reasons for the loss or misplacement to the originals.
e) Issuing duplicate certificates will incur a fixed fee of £25. and photo IDs will be seen.
f) The General Secretary will be responsible for the Nikah Register and Stamp..
g) It is the General Secretary’s responsibility to check details on Marriage Certificates before issuing..
8)Solemnising Marriage in Accordance To English Law:
a) Please note that the Islamic Nikah is not recognised as a legally binding contract under the English Law. Therefore it provides no enforceable legal marital rights.
b) It is encouraged that couples ensure a civil ceremony is conducted in a Registrar’s office in accordance to the English law, either carried out before or after the Nikah ceremony; to preserve the enforceable rights of both parties at times of marriage breakdown or death.
9)Dual Marriage Ceremony Service at ICEA:
a) Icea offer a Dual Marriage Ceremony Service where both the Islamic Nikah & Civil Registration ceremony is conducted simultaneously.
b) To seek further information regarding this service please contact the Association’s Administrator.
c) Please allow at least 1 calendar month to arrange a Dual Marriage Ceremony